Yes Wade I do know Eric! He arrived at Zaytuna while I was there we shared a trailer together. He is a funny guy. I am glad to see he had such a great experience in Jordan. I would love to me exchange some stories sometime. I am really looking for some more permies in the PHX area. I need some support here. Just curious, where the hell is Laveen, AZ?
Hi Wade, I'm looking forward to meeting you tonight at the Rainwater Harvesting Lecture.
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Laveen, AZ
About Me:
Phoenix native.
Graduate of PDC Geoff Lawton and Darren Doherty, Queensland Australia
Graduate of Keyline Design Course. Darren Doherty, Queensland Australia
Permaculture Aid Worker. Jordan Valley Permaculture Project, Middle East.
"Laveen is south Phoenix near South Mountain... it used to be all cotton fields and dairy farms but is being taken over by subdivisions full of big new homes which are mostly empty right now. E-mail me your contact info and we can meet up some time:…"
"Hello Ryan,
wow you spent five months at the channon! maybe you know Eric Seider, he was on the Jordan project with me and also did an internship at Zaytuna. As for Jordan, well it had its challenges (language, cultural, etc.) but I found it just as…"