About Me:
I am a healer , singer, dancer, nature spirit,
and love everything about the natural world. My passion is assisting children and adults in opening thier hearts to experience a sentient connection with every living thing. I am an aromatherapist, reflexologists,craniosacral therapist, Intuitive healer,and massage therapist, I also love to drum and make music so id there are any other musicians out there that wuld like to get together let me know
Glad to hear from you. I had thought you had left the area. I'm thinking of having a get together of sungazers and Heartfriends at my home in Glendale in early March. Would you like to come? Also, the Hearts Center will be having an online course on permaculture and working with nature spirits, from April 1-29 on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30. There will be more information about it soon at www.heartscenter.org.
I ended my relationship with Mark in March. We have become closer through our friendship. I saw him in Florence, OR over a month ago.
Are you in Phoenix now or Prescott?
i wanted to send a private message, yet, my request for you friending me is still pending...
Glad you had a great time in Ireland. My dear friend Drew Lawrence lives there with his wife Kalindi.
Speaking of cooler weather. I am in the Pacific Northwest and have been here since April.
I am WWOOFing on farms and having a great Permaculture experience as I have studied a sustainable aid course and so many other great experiences.
Looking to make home here~ i must have the cooler weather.
The tea circle is in Cave Creek and that is why I tied that in unsuccessfully in my last message.
Will you be doing the sweat at don's for the autumnal equinox?
My birthday is the 21st, so I will be at the Seattle Convergence celebrating both.
Would love to stay connected...
Mark and I moved in Nov. '06. Wow, it's been that long since our last visit?! I have not been up to see Sandi since late Summer or was it early Fall last year? It has been awhile, since I am not rigorously taking Bowen classes anymore....
Tempe is such a great area! I always love Cave Creek and Carefree areas. So much freedom and "wild"life energy. I do a women's tea circle every Wed. nearest the New Moon of each month based on "The 13 Original Clan Mothers" book by Jamie Sams in Carefree. Your welcome to attend, as any woman may...
I completely empathize with the heat you are dealing with. You are in our thoughts when we do sweat, as someone usually asks where the regulars are these days....
I will celebrate when we do see and hug again!
Infinite blessings and love,
I haven't seen you since I was up to Prescott for Bowen classes and visiting Sandi.
Stan Kalson said you were back in Phx.
Will you be at Don's sweat on the 21st?
Would love to see you, my dear sister...
Be well,