You have inspired us to start a rain barrel system and the first one is in place in our front courtyard! We had a huge run-off problem in at our front door and we are hoping this will take care of it and provide for the front plants at the same time.
Wasn't last night amazing? I have never seen it rain like that in the valley. The lightening just went on and on for hours. Constant blinking. And the thunder was a low nonstop growl for at least an hour. It sounded like a plane was taking off foreve
Greetings All!Just wanted to let anyone interested know the following:"Graywater Homes" Needed as Test Sites for Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) ResearchWERF and its partners are collaborating on a long-term study to investigate the pote
Someone near me has a 500 gal used water tank for sale, he says it leaks.Would it be worth it to buy it and hope I can repair the leak? It is plastic but it already has the fittings for attaching a garden hose, he was using it for rainwater harvestin