We found our beloved Blitz dead today. She was fine last night when we put her to bed. She was one of three hens we had raised from chicks we had got this past August. This is their first summer. The coop is shaded by citrus trees and there is a dripper in there supplying an oleander with some water every 5 days or so. It doesn't seem that hot yet, especially in the shade. Could she have died from the heat? We gave them some rice (cooked) last night for the first time. Our friend brought it to us and assured us that they fed their hens rice all the time and it looks like from the internet that cooked rice is fine. We are a little bewildered and my daughter is distraught. Sadie and Daisy are left - are 2 chickens enough for them to be happy? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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I am sorry this happened. Oleanders are extremely poisenous. Is it possible that she could have eaten some of the Shrub? is she did this would cause an instant death.
I suppose it is possible. All three chickens have been around oleanders their whole life. When we first got the chickens, we did a little research and folks thought we would be okay. Perhaps not. I will do some more research.
I am sorry for your loss. I will second what Sue said. It's often very difficult to know your birds are sick before it's too late. Two birds are fine, but I would probably get two more at some point.
I believe that heat puts added stress on their bodies so they become more prone to illness. You might try to get your other hens some vitamins/electrolytes. Perhaps some polyvisol from the drugstore mixed into the water? Maybe Dr. Nathan could give a good recommendation here for V&E sources?
Thanks, I will get some polyvisol. The other hens sure are loud today. I think they miss their friend. I always let them free range in the yard just before dark. They typically head into the coop at dark, last night they did not want to go there - the two remaining were trying to sleep on the patio table.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I raise parrots, and they get cooked rice quite often and never had a problem, so I doubt it could be that. I don't know if chickens are like parrots, but parrots hide any sign of illness since they don't want to be preyed on by enemies in the wild. Usually when you see signs of illness in a parrot it is too late to save them, they are that good at hiding it. My three chickens are under a citrus tree as well, They have shade at all times and seem to do fine with it. I hope someone more experienced gives you some insight. Again, I'm very sorry.
I believe that heat puts added stress on their bodies so they become more prone to illness. You might try to get your other hens some vitamins/electrolytes. Perhaps some polyvisol from the drugstore mixed into the water? Maybe Dr. Nathan could give a good recommendation here for V&E sources?