Rabbitry For Sale

From Craigslist - very interesting! Any one know if the numbers sound possible? LisRabbitry For SaleReply to: sale-997745269@craigslist.orgDate: 2009-01-18, 11:43AMI am moving in a different direction in my life and have decided to sell my Rabbitry. (Honey Buns and Chins)I am located in Ahwatukee, AZ (Phoenix). Rabbitry comes with:24 adult proven breeder bunnies all at breeding age and all healthy and all have pedigrees.Breeds: Lilacs- 1 Buck and 1 DoeThriantas- 1 Buck and 1 DoeHolland Lops- 4 Bucks and 5 DoesMini Rexes- 2 Bucks and 3 DoesLionheads- 1 Buck and 1 DoeNetherland Dwarfs- 1 Buck and 3 Does3- 9 Hole Cage Units. 24 x 24 each cage. (27 total cages) This system works so it can easily be run out of one room out of your house. (15 X 15) Each Cage unit is 3 rows of 3 cages in each row. There is a long metal tray under each row where the waste falls. It is angled toward the front and down. There is a bucket at each end of the tray. You squeegee the waste into the bucket at the end and dump it down the toilet. Very Easy. It takes about an hour and half to clean 27 cages!This website- www.honeybunsandchins.com I have had about 6000 hits in a year and half. I do not pay for any advertising and I currently have a waiting list of about 24 people with more getting added everyday. (And it's not even Easter yet!) You will get these customers if you buy the rabbitry.Lots of Food- (I currently have 15- 50 pound bags of rabbit food)All Bunny accessories- Vanodine, Medicine, extra water bottles and crocks etc.3 separate extra large cages to sell or to keep for overflow.A very nice and strudy grooming table with 4 large drawers.My Rabbit Registry- Which is a computer program to generate pedigrees and keep track of breeding.$5500 for everything. Easter Revenue is expected to be $2500-$3000. You will easliy make your money back within less than a year and will have lots of fun doing it. :) Easter breeding needs to take place the week of Jan 26. So if you are interested contact me before then so you can pick which colors you want to breed!Please call me at 623-826-2449 if you have any questions. My name is Angel. Thanks for reading!* Location: Ahwatukee* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsOriginal URL:http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/grd/997745269.html

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  • they forgot to say how much they get per bunny
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