Pratt's baby chicks question

I went to Pratts yesterday and they have a bunch of tiny baby Bantams, some look like silkies. They are soooo cute! I wanted to get one but the worker said it wasn't a good idea to put the baby in with my week old Ameraucaunas for fear they might hurt it. Any experience or advice on adding a little baby with some older babies?Also, do all Bantams learn to fly? I've read that they do but there are ways of tricking them into thinking they can't fly. I would love to have a silkie Bantam but afraid it would fly over my fence.

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  • Seconding Rachel...we had three weeks between two batches of babies, so we kept them separated yet visible to each other. Once the youngest ones were feathered out and larger, I experimented w/putting them in w/the bigger ones. When my observation showed they were getting picked on, I separated them again. They moved into the chicken tractor at about 8 weeks of age. They're a little over three months old now (aren't they Rachel?), and they've been together for several weeks now. I'm probably a wimp though! They likely could have been together earlier.
    • Thanks for the info/advice. I'm thinking of getting a couple more chicks, they have black Jersey Giants at Pratts right now, but I will have them in the brooder inside my house since it's so cold. So I'll put them all together once they are bigger and feathered out. Thanks again and have a happy holiday.
  • I realize that I'm catching this post a little late, but this is a bad idea. Mostly because bantam chicks in most places (including pratts) are sold unsexed, so you have a 50% chance of getting a rooster. Adding a few day old bantam to week old chicks isn't really a problem. You just put a screen up in between the two for a couple of days so the chicks can all see each other and get used to the others and then take the screen away and watch to make sure they don't pick on your baby. If the difference is only a week in age, when they're really young like that you can probably just put them together immediately without a problem.

    A silkie won't fly, neither will a frizzle, all other bantams you can count on being decent flyers.
  • Silkies Can't fly at all. ever...The feathers are more like fur. It might hop better than it flies.
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