I had to switch from chickens to quail because of noise complaints from neighbors. Quail make no noise, and I find I really enjoy the eggs.
I just put a batch of quail eggs to soak in a pickling solution of apple cider vinegar and beet juice. I will be adding cloves and cinnamon sticks and soaking until the end of the month. I hope they are tasty.
So far, I have found that food eaten vs food produced, the quail are amazing. They start laying at 6 weeks, and I keep them in a large pen with only 4 birds. I have yet to clean that pen and I've had the birds for 3 months. So, it looks like I should rake it out a bit but not like a chicken coop would after 90 days, that is for sure. Low maintenance and high production quail are winning my respect. And fertilizing my palm trees.
Wow, I'm really interested in getting in on this Quail deal! Especially being the new neighbor on the block I don't want to cause a stir with any possible hen noise. @ rachel, do you have any hatchlings left?
I do, I will friend request and PM you. :)
I feed my quail organic chicken crumble, either chick starter or layer crumble works. They also get kitchen scraps and yard cuttings. They love grass and sprouted bird seed. I have been treating the eggs just like chicken eggs and I never hear more than a tiny peep out of my birds.
They seem healthy and fat, and I have made minimal effort toward the care of the birds. I'm completely converted, but I will always love chicken personalities. They took more work than quail on many levels. I haven't had to treat them for anything either.
I feed them organic chick starter, sometimes supplemented with bugs or hard-boiled chicken eggs and free-choice oyster shell.