One Free Healthy Egg Layer

We just got 3 one-month old chicks to keep our only hen, Blacky, company, but the little ones seem to be uneasy with her.  We had to keep Blacky out of the coop and chicken run to let the little ones grow, but Blacky doesn't like that either.  She does not like the new arrangements and makes a lot of noise to get back in.  Since we live on a small plot in the city, we are afraid that our neighbors will complain to the city. 
Blacky is about 2-years-old and lays eggs everyday in the summer and almost every-other day in the winter.  I don't know exactly what type she is (you can guess from the picture), but she is very hardy in both cold and hot weather.  She got along well with her 2 other adult chicken companions all last year.
Please let me know, if you are interested in adopting her.

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  • By the way, she lays big brown eggs.
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