Need More Laying hens

Hello everyone, I sent the rooster back to Pratt's so I am now looking for 1 or 2 more laying hens. If you have any ideas on where I could get 2 more that are in their 1st year of laying that would be great. I would love to get more Ameracaunas, but I am open to other breeds. Thanks!-Ben.

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  • give me a call , i could possibly let you have a couple of my hens that are 8 month old and they have just started laying. 602 320 5030
    • wow, cool. thanks Dan. I know beggars can't be choosers, but what kind do you have? I know there are some production breeds that may not do well with kids or others, so want to make sure. I would love to take a couple off your hands, and i can trade a few heirloom tomato starts, or pay you for them.
    • i bought a mixed lot last june, i think the one breed is blue dutch, and some black alstrops,and one i was told a red star, couple more not sure what they are. but they are all laying. come look over the flock i have total of 18 hens. call me and we can make a deal all my hens get along with each other
    • can/will just one hen lay? my neighbors r terrible, so i have 2 b VERY careful w/noise. but i'm anxious 2 have fresh eggs. i miss the flavor. OR anyone around 35th ave n peoria have any eggs for sale? also would LOVE to have ckhns free range eating in my org yard for a day or two.
    • yes 1 hen will lay
  • Ben,

    I was tempted by this, but just too pricey for me. I am also wanting to add probably two Ameracaunas to my "flock" but will most likley go with chicks from "The Feedlot" again.

    Laying Hens for Sale (35th ave & Deer Valley Rd.)
    Reply to: [?]
    Date: 2009-01-31, 11:56AM MST

    Cinnamon Queen pullets for sale.

    Hatch Date: 9/3/2008

    Approx. 50 available.

    Price: $20.00 per bird

    These chickens are laying now.

    They are consistent producers of brown eggs with excellent size. Feed conversion is good and egg size is large. The pullets' outer features are cinnamon color with white feathers underneath. These will put out a surprising number of eggs on modest feed intake. These have a calm disposition and are highly disease resistant. You can expect 275 to 300 eggs per bird. Body size will be approximately 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 lbs.

    I also have the following:
    Rhode Island Reds ~hatched on 8/5/2008~ starting to lay ~ 20.00 (4 available)
    Buff Orpingtons ~ 6 weeks old, full feathered ~ 8.00 (26 available)
    Brown Leghorns ~hatched on 7/15/2008~ laying now ~ 20.00 (2 available)
    Black Sex Links ~ 6 weeks old, full feathered ~ 8.00 (28 available)
    Americanas ~hatched on 8/3/2008~ starting to lay ~ 20.00 (4 available)
    Barred Rocks ~ 6 weeks old, full feathered ~ 8.00 (12 available)

    CASH ONLY!!!! I do not accept checks, credit cards, paypal, money orders or any other form of payment other than cash.

    I also make and sell the laying boxes in singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples. Anything bigger you must place an order for. The boxes are made of new solid 3/4 inch plywood. No particle board or press board.

    If interested please feel free to call anyday between the hours of 9am and 9pm.

    Thanks keywords: chick, chicks, chicken, chickens, hen, hens, poultry, layers
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