I have a breeder that has young American White Rabbits for sale. breeding pairs.
American white and blue rabbits are a conservancy breed meat rabbit that get to 9-10 pounds for
bucks and 10-11 pounds for does. excellant meat producers. I am actually getting my first American blue in two weeks and two more in Feb.
They are the mandolin type You are welcome to come meet them when they arrive. Actually I am picking a Doe up at a local show on the 18th.
I've read good things about them too. Aren't they the older meat type/mandolin body?
I am actually getting The blue for now and plan to add whites in the future If I get a house next year.
no I got the door on the top for ease of cleaning I usually take them out the front door. The cages are big so I have them on a linoleum floor so it is easy to give them turns to get out and run around a bit. her cage is 48 inches long by 24 deep by 24 high
THis is good to know. Thank you too.
how funny my NZ buck is also named Henry and the American Buck I am getting is named Happy.
vellingafamily@juno.com I am getting two blues from her in February. Also Recla Ranch in southern AZ breeds americans and they have some whites available I think. I am told they have a nice disposition. I have to say I am not very fond of my NZ doe she is a bit psycho and have been thinking of sending her to freezer camp. She swipped at me today and usually she is so sweet. Doesn't like to be handled. She stresses out whenever I pick her up for a good going over or nail trim. but she meets me at the cage door to get fed and treats and enjoys being stroked and petted I guess it does not mean she won't be a good producer. I think the breeder weaned too soon at four weeks. My NZ buck on the other hand is a dream veryy affectionate.
Awesome! Do you think they might be willing to part with a solo buck?