huge eggs

For the past month or so, almost all the eggs from my chickens are jumbo size (defined as at least 2.5 ounces.)  No double yolks. I realize that after they molt, larger eggs are expected, but the one in the photo attached is 3.3 oz!

I have 6 chickens; 3 (2 Leghorn, 1 Barred Rock) are 1-1/2 years old & 3 (2 Ameracana, 1 Cuckoo Maran) are just over a year. Since the days are shorter, production has decreased, but is always more than 2 dozen eggs each week. Organic layer feed & fresh water are always available, they get occasional green scraps most days, daily free range for an hour or so, & they have plenty of space in their pen.

Are other chickens doing this out there?


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  • we get large eggs ever so often. when i open them most of them are double york. i always wondered why at times I would get larger eggs from my chickens. Anyone knows why?
  • We have 23 chickens that lay an avg 5 dz eggs/week. Out of those, 3 or 4 are 80gm/2.7 oz but most are between 50-55 gm each. Some are dbl yolk but not always. They have a huge run. We can't free range because of hawks and coyotes. We feed purina layer crumbles and kitchen scraps.

    Your egg looks gigantic! Are you sure there isn't an emu hiding in there somewhere?
    • Wow, 23!!! Where do you live?
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