Hens need homes

If you didn't see it on the Sale Board, I need to find homes for a good number of hens!  Easter Eggers, Wyandottes (Silver Laced, Blue Laced Red, Splash Blue Laced Red and a couple of young Gold Laced), Australorps, Iowa Blues, Rhode Island Reds... $10 a hen.

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    • The RIRs are just over a year and laying strong. One
    • One hen?  Or one something else?
    • whoa, that's odd.  I wrote out that one was super broody.  odd...
    • ;)  How many do you have that are NOT broody?  I don't want to have to fight the hens for breakfast!
    • Of the RIRs? Think there's 4 others. Only have one Su
    • Spoke to my husband, and he would really prefer under a year.  I think we'll wait til the end of the summer and look then.
  • We would be very happy and would love two hens that are about 4.5-5months.  Please email me maggie.olson@asu.edu

    Thank you!

  • Hi Julie, I am interested in some Easter Eggers and definitely the Wyandottes, perhaps more. Would you mind emailing me when you get a chance? I live at 43rd Avenue and Greeway so your location is extra-perfect. :)


    s r d o y l e (at) c o x . net


    Thank you!

  • We would be very happy and thakful to adopt some of your girls :)

    Please email me walentiny@q.com

    Thank you for the offer :)


    • Mailing you Kelly :)
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