I don't know what I should do about this situation. I, like many others, am just an urban chicken farmer and I don't have a rooster so there is nothing for them to hatch and they are not laying now. Please advise on what to do!Thanks everyoneTina D.
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The broody leghorn has been like this since March 24. We are going to put her in a separate cage tomorrow for the day and see how that works. I noticed today that her crop & wattle are no longer bright red but are more pink and do not look as firm. Is she getting sick? She still eats and drinks, she will go outside of the coop and be like the other chickens when I pick her up out of the nest. We get the eggs 1x per day. We took the plastic eggs out of the nests. There are two nest boxes. She just picks one. She isn't bound up, can go on the perch or wherever she wants.
I also forgot to add that we collect eggs two times a day, at 12 and 5, I think this helps. We are home to do this though, not always an option for others :)
My leghorn will be a year in mid August and has been broody and laid only one egg since March 24. She comes out of the nesting box when prompted by me and runs around in the yard with her 'sisters', pecks, scratches, poops, drinks water. But no eggs. I just go in there 1 or 2 x per day and pick her up, hold and cuddle her then she goes out with the other girls. She's eating, she's drinking, she's sitting on plastic eggs. When we took them away then somehow she got all the eggs from the others and sat on them. She used to puff up and hiss at us but we seem to have all gotten used to this new deal. I'm hoping it will eventually go away and figure this is like a teenaged chicken thing.
I was told by the breeder I get my cochins from, to put them in a wire cage with some type of board for a roost bar along with their food & water. I keep the cage in the run, shaded, during the day & put it in the coop at night so they are always with everyone else. After 2 or 3 days let them out and no more broody :) Always works for me. Concern is when it gets too hot & they are broody, that they might stop taking in enough water during our hot days. Good luck! Carrie