Little kitties need a good home. These cuties are about 10 weeks old. They were born in the neighborhood. Their living area is temporary so it is urgent that we find them a home. Please contact. Thank you!
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Where is your neighborhood, Carol?
Thanks for replying. The neighborhood is in the NW Valley of Phoenix. If you'd like, please email me directly and I'll be glad to give you more specific information. If it isn't too far, I can travel and bring a kitty or kitties to you.
Awww, I can't take any; I'm over-animaled already. (How's that for a word?) But if you have pictures, I can post it around and maybe someone see them and need one. I have a few friends up that way...I'm not sure if they need kittens, but you never know. Someone, somewhere out there does.
Yes, I will post pictures soon. Thanks for offering to circulate the photos to help find the kitties a good home.
You're welcome. I wish I could help more.