Going on vacation

I have a 4'W x 6'L x 6'H chicken coop and 3 chickens (3 months old) and I will be going on vacation for a week. I will have someone come and check every day to see if they have water and feed; however, I usually let them out all the time into the backyard. Will they go crazy if they are not let out of their coop for a week?

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  • Yeah, I recently went on a 4 day trip to the northwest and had my mother-in-law come over everyday to make sure they had food and water available. We normally shut the chicken tractor door during the night, but while we were gone we just left it open the whole time. They were alive and happy when we got back. If I was more worried about predators this may not have been as easy to do.

  • They will not go "crazy", but my experience is that they will be very "vocal" about their unhappiness with the change in their routine. If you are trying to keep your neighbors from knowing that you have chickens in the backyard, the jig may be up by the time you return.  If this is not a problem for you, then no worries. They may seem unforgiving when you return, but their memories are short. All will be forgiven soon after your arrival home and their routine reinstated. Enjoy your well deserved time away. 

  • I feel your concern!  I took a chance and hired a 14 year old boy to come over for an hour each day to let the chickens out when I was gone.  But my husband was home, so he kept an eye on things.  I'm sure the chickens will be fine, but maybe there is someone you trust who could come over for at least an hour each day.  We have coyotes around here, so I can't let my chickens roam without some supervision.  I thought chickens would be easy, and I guess they can be......just depends on us!  I want my girls to have a good life and they love getting out.  But I know they wouldn't die if they had to stay in.  Factory farm chickens would think they died and went to heaven with your set up!  Good luck! :=)

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