Friends need to sell their hens

Hey everyone.  Friends of ours have decided they are going to sell their hens.  There's 4 Red Naked-Necks, 1 Brown Naked Neck, 4 New Hampshire Reds and 4 Easter Eggers... They just started laying and they're priced at $15 a bird.  

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  • I would be interested in 2 of the easter eggers!

    • When would you like to pick them up? They're at our house due to our friend's remote location and lack of time. We're off Greenway and I-17.
  • Good morning,
    I'd also be interested in 1 or 2 girls. Can you e-mail me the contact information of who I can call?

  • Do you have contact info for them? We're looking to replace our sadly deceased Easter Eggers. Thanks!
    • Sarah, the chickens are at our house now. (Lack of time is their reason for selling them, and the fact that their property backs against the river bottom and not fully fenced... they just don't want to risk anything with the coyotes.
    • Do you have any idea if they were vaccinated? Mine weren't, so I don't want to mix vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. If they weren't then I could come up tomorrow.
    • No, they're not vaccinated. Im trying to remember which hatchery they're from too but drawing a blank. We had 60 pullets come in this Feb/March and can't think of it off the top of my head!
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