Do you think she will survive?

She was attacked this morning.  I have put her in a chicken hospital and sprayed her wound with Banixx.  She is ready to get back with her friends, but I have separated her.  Is there anything else I can do?  Will she survive?

Warning, the picture I attached is graphic.


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  • Oh, poor thing!  As everyone says do not put her back in with the others until she is much better at least.  I'm sure we will all want to know how she is doing.

  • Hi Kelly:

    Would you be willing to tell the story of how this happened ... it may help the community understand what we are looking at and how it might be prevented in the future?

    Thank you,

    Bryan White

    Tour de Coops 2012 committee member

  • Our duck looked just like that, REALLY, just as bad!!! We also had a hen that was almost that bad, but it was on her side under her wing. DO NOT stop using the Banixx!!!!! Spray each day. We did nothing special except to clean it out really well when it first happened then keep them separated from the flock and spray each day until they got well. Both of my girls made a full recovery ;) The Banixx is Antibacterial and Antifungal... Banixx kills bacteria, you will not need any additional ointments. Banixx does not cauterize a wound so it heals on the surface as well as deeper into the wound. We just discovered the product last year and I can not tell you how wonderfully it has worked!!! This is really the most amazing product I have ever used on wounds.  You will be surprised.  Just keep her calm, quiet, and with food and water and she is going to be OK :)

  • Do not put her in with the other birds, be prepared to isolate her for a few weeks. Coat the wound in Neosporin ointment (NOT the one with the pain reliever) cover the wound with gauze squares and wrap the wound (around the bird) with vet wrap to hold on the dressing. Do not wrap too tight! Change the dressing daily for a few days(3)squirt with a new coat of Neosporin and look for it to develop a shiny surface , like it is healing. After this you can remove the dressing and treat with the Neosporin for a few more days.  She needs to stay on feed!(eating) If she seems to be going off feed try offering scrambled eggs, plain yogurt(lots of active cultures kind), those things that will keep her energy up.  I am no vet, but this is a protocol I would follow from a VERY respected source.  This person has brought her birds back from some of the most horrific wounds(she lives in an area with LOTS of Bobcats) that I have ever seen.  Best of luck, her biggest challenges initially will be shock and infection. Carrie

  • Yikes.  I would certainly keep her isolated for the next two - three weeks.  Start by adding gatoraid to her water immediately to keep her electrolites up.  I also would immediately flush the area with peroxide then follow up with a salt water solution to help start the healing process.  Then apply an ointment to the whole area - I've used neosporin.  Be sure to check to see if her skin has been separated from the muscle tissue around the perimeter of the wound - if you poke around you'll see what I mean.  If it is, you'll need to be diligent about cleaning that as well.  In the past I've used a syringe and q-tips to get down into those spaces to insure that the infection doesn't take hold in any part of her body that you cannot physically see.  Lastly, I'd add some antibiotics (I picked mine up at the Stock Shop for $9) to her drinking water to get the healing started.  FYI - Don't eat her eggs for at least 30-days after see's come off the medicine as they will pass on the antibiotics to whoever eats them. 

    FYI - I had two chickens with similar wounds - though not as extreme as this case.   I used this regiment for two weeks and both are doing quite well, two years later.  Give her a chance and you'll be amazed at how resilient these birds are.

    BTW - what attacked her?  Dog or bird of prey?

    Good luck!

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