confused bunny

I have a black rabbit living in my backyard with my chickens. He has "takin a shine" to my Polish hen. He follows her everywhere, chases off the other hens when they start to pick on her, and occasionaly will try to have his way with her!!!!! Is this normal behavior or is this a sign that bunny thinks he's a bird?

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  • Hi Christina,


    It is funny.  My sister had a beloved male bunny who kept checking out her kitties (all male by the way). She finally had him neutered, but she had some hilarious pictures of him trying to have his way with one of the cats, who turned around with a 'what the heck' look on his face.  Really funny.  The male bunnies remind me of my Muscovy drake a few years back. He would make goo-goo eyes at my young doe, lay his head across her back and rub his neck along her back.  She had the same look as my sister's cat!  I later read that the drakes will take an interest in any other critter too.

  • Thanks for the info. Jacque was not purchased. He was found sitting under my car and came when my daughter-in-law called to him. I really feel sorry for him so I guess neutering will be in the future....that is unless a cute girl bunny shows up :-)


  • LOL! How cute! I think it's more a sign that he thinks the birds are bunnies.

    We have a feral bunny that lives in our pasture. When we got our hens and started letting them roam, he hung out all the time with them. He finally stopped hanging out with them, probably because of the communication issues. But I figured he was probably looking for companionship. That's probably what's going on your your little stud bunny.

    You could borrow a rooster for a while, but finding him a mate might be a nicer solution. If you do that, keep in mind he probably will need more than one doe since buck bunnies tend to need a harem. Personally, I'd play the part of head chicken and shoo him away any time he approaches the flock.
  • well not sure how old he is but he wants a mate.  if you do not plan to breed him you could have him neutered and spare him the humliation of rejection from the hen.  If you are going to breed him I would find him a nice bunny girl.  There are many excellant meat breeds out there.  There are a few Breeders on this site that have different breeds most of them meat breeds.  Do you know what kind of rabbit  he is?  Is he a miniature or a dwarf or a big rabbit.  The time will come when he  may accidently hurt your Hen trying to mount her if he is a large breed.
  • I'll let others with more rabbit experience chime in, but I remember my old pet bunny was in love with a ball. I think male rabbits are in love with anything the approximate size of another rabbit. I think it's odd that it's just one of the chickens, I think that's super cute, well the defending her and friendship part, not so much the girlfriend part.
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