City of phoenix: inspector

I just got a notice from neighborhood services regarding a complaint about our chickens. I have 3 small tiny bantams was quite surprised as we have verbally informed all our neighbors and they seemed all cool. Apparently not. I do have them free range all day and one was flying into one the neighbors yards so i clipped her wings and tail and that has stopped. If I keep them in an enclosed run do i still need written permission from the neighbors? Are the city inspectors helpful and able to offer solutions? I do not want to get rid of my girls. I am SO heartbroken. Any experience anyone with this topic. I live in phoenix proper 85028 zoned residential.

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  • I know nothing about these legal issues, just wanted to offer moral support. I had to get permission from the HOA in Anthem to have a garden in the backyard. Absolutely rediculous. Best of Luck.
    • yes...the american dream....i waited my whole life to be and adult: but i still have to ask for permission. Oy....i hope you got approval for a garden: that is quite silly....
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