Chickens in the city

I just got 3 chicks a week ago. I always thought it was allowed in city limits so long as you don't own a rooster. I just read you should get neighbors permission (written) if the chickens are within 80 ft). I don't think my neighbors would mind but am almost afraid to bring their attention to it. Has anyone had any problems with noise complaints etc?

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  • You don't want full grown chickens in the house, even if you buy them chicken diapers (anyone else seen these?), their feathers fall out constantly, they make dust etc. Right now I have two 2 wk old pullets in my little homemade brooder in the dining room and I have to dust EVERY MORNING in that vicinity. They constantly scratch at their bedding and shake their bodies kicking up a fine dust, so imagine some grown hens doing that?
    • i keep my brooder in the garage
    • I unfortunately don't have a garage, just a car port, and I have a chicken killing spastic Labrador in the back yard so I don't feel safe putting it out on the back porch. So for the next couple weeks or so I will just keep dusting!
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    • All cities in the Phoenix metro area EXCEPT Glendale currently allow hens with some restrictions (neighbor approval etc). The neighbor permission supersedes the 80 foot rule, here's the city code regarding this (for Phoenix):
      Sec. 8-7. Poultry and rodents.

      (a) Except as otherwise provided in this article, it is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any person to keep rodents or poultry within the City. No poultry or rodents shall be kept in an enclosure within eighty feet of any residence within the City. Poultry may be kept within eighty feet of a residence if written permission consenting to the keeping of poultry less than eighty feet from a residence is first obtained from each lawful occupant and each lawful owner of such residence. Poultry shall not be kept in the front yard area of any lot or parcel within the City. Poultry and rodents shall be kept in an enclosure so constructed as to prevent such poultry and rodents from wandering upon property belonging to others.

      (b) No more than twenty head of poultry nor more than twenty-five head of rodents nor more than twenty-five head comprising a combination of rodents and poultry shall be kept upon the first one-half acre or less. An additional one-half acre shall be required for each additional twenty head of poultry or for each additional twenty-five head of rodents or for each additional twenty-five head comprising a combination of poultry and rodents. For areas larger than two and one-half acres the number of poultry or rodents shall not be limited.

      (c) No male poultry shall be kept within the City limits except such male poultry as are incapable of making vocal noises which disturb the peace, comfort or health of any person residing within the City.

      (d) All such enclosures shall be kept in such condition that no offensive, disagreeable or noxious smell or odor shall arise therefrom to the injury, annoyance or inconvenience of any inhabitant of the neighborhood thereof.
    • what abt keeping them in house? too messy/dander?
    • This would be waaaaay too messy. They poop. It would be inhumane to keep them in a cage, they need bedding etc... dander would be the least of your issues. A lot of people keep the chicks in their house until they're ready to go outside, but that's just for a few weeks, and they're in an enclosed area, not free-ranging the kitchen counter.
    • Yeah that would be pretty tough on our small lots. So far I have had no issues. I think a "don't ask don't tell" policy with the chickens might be the best route. My neighbors know I have them because our kids play together and they haven't complained. Also as long as my girls are fed they don't make much noise.
      On a side note when you get to Arizona I'm a Realtor, so if you need help finding a home (buy or rent) I'd be happy to help you! Maybe we could find one with a larger lot to avoid the whole 80 foot issue :-)
    • i have 18 hens and they dont make anymore noise than when i had 6 . make sure you dont get into a HOA area they may not let you have them
  • Assuming you are within the city of Phoenix, if your neighbor complains to the city and you aren't within code (with the 80 feet from their dwelling or 10,000 sq feet of property) you will have to get rid of your chickens without that proof of neighbor permission. That being said, if you have block walls and don't get many chickens (3-5) the noise is likely to not be too much. They make very pleasant noises for the first couple of months and then they start to make grown-up chicken noises, which some people like, and others don't but they are definitely loud enough that your neighbors will hear.

    I'm not trying to sway your decision one way or the other because I think there are advantages of going about it either way depending on the situation, I just want you to be sure you're fully informed. :)
  • Thanks for the info & the .02!
    I agree, I don't think I'll bring it to anyone's attention. One neighbor house is vacant and the others have yappy little dogs. I don't think they have any room to complain about any noises coming from my yard. I to have block walls so hopefully that helps.
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