Hello all!! I am so excited because this weekend I am getting 4 chickens for the first time!!! Chicken cook is done. I am looking for a place where I can buy 4 grown chickens... may be a few months old.
DO you know where can I get them?
Thank you!!!!
You should check www.backyardchickens.com.
Look for the Arizona thread in the "where are you, where am I" section of the forum.
Hi Pao, and welcome to a new fun filled addiction, chicken keeping. If your on the south phoenix side (sorry not sure where your located at) Gordon's Feed & Seed at 7th ave an Broadway is due to get their new shipment in tomorrow. Usually every Wednesday. But you can call and double check.
I'm hoping to stop by and see if they have any EE's. I want a blue/green egg or two to add to my mix.
Thank you Heather. I called Gordon's and they don't have any. ... I guess I will get babies!! ahahah!
The Feed Barn has babies and sometimes older birds. On 23rd Ave south of Deer Valley Road.
oops...I meant "chicken coop is done"...and...I am right...no more 'cooking' chickens in my house!