Champagne D'Argent buck for sale

We picked up two nice Champagne bucks not knowing which we'd decide to keep and which we'd sell and finally made our choice, so the other is available.  He's a nice easy to handle 6 month old that's fully colored out.  $40.  He has very good meat type with moderate bone and based on his breeding should pass it on to his babies. My Avatar is what the breed looks like.  I will include his pedigree for anyone who's wanting to get does later on to breed for show stock.  He is from smaller bred rabbits so a larger doe would be ideal if you're breeding for show stock (Something that's pushing the max weight)


They're very unique rabbits by their coloring.  Born jet black and mature to their silver color.


  • Senior Bucks-8 months of age and over, weight 9-11 lbs. Ideal weight 10 lbs.
  • Senior Does-8 months of age and over, weight 9 1/2 - 12 lbs. Ideal weight 10 1/2 lbs.

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  • And a photo of a doe with a baby that's just starting to moult Champagne Doe w/baby

  • Wow he is beautiful!
    • This is what they're like when they're in the "moldy bread" age between black and silver Moulting Champagne

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