I just wanted to throw out some info on my experience today. I went to Pratts pets for the first time ever because they were the only store I could find that had barred rocks in stock and welsummers. I was very disappointed. I still bought my chicks but kind of wish I hadn't since one of my chicks I just discovered has a damaged foot. Thankfully it's nothing serious but will need watched to make sure the other chicks don't hurt it worse. They have a great selection but don't seem to care for their chicks. Many of them were being trampled by other chicks, some looked ill to me, and many had poop all over them. Plus their prices were about $1 more a chick on top of the chicks condition. The guy who got my chicks for me just threw them in the box after trying to bag them instead. I had to ask for the box because I had a long drive and didn't want them pooping and ripping their way out of the bag in my car. I've only once got chicks in a bag and they were apologetic because they'd run out of boxes, and thankfully it was only a few blocks from my home.
I wanted to give a shout out however to a feed store I usually get my chicks from and they have a fair selection and treat the chicks much better. They aren't on the micro livestock page. "Stockman's" 7315 West Buckeye Road Phoenix, AZ 85043-4202 (623) 936-5549