bedding & hanging feeder

We have 4 chicks that are about a month old and are in the process of building a portible coop. I have been reading and it seems like chopped straw is what they recommend for bedding is this correct? I haven't asked at the Mesa feed barn yet but they didn't carry it at the feed store in Scottsdale. Is it hard to find? So far I have been using pine shavings.Also I think I want to use hanging feeder and waterers. I haven't seen those in either feed store. are they a good choice if so where do I get them - online? Also if they aren't a good choice what should I use?

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  • There is a feed store near Shea and Scottsdale road that carries straw bales. They are about $10 or so. I believe the store is called Scottsdale Livestock Supply. They are real nice there and they carry organic feed too.
    • Thanks

      That is where I have been buying my organic feed. They said they didn't carry chopped straw. They said they usually just give chicken owner the straw from the bottom of the truck.

      Maybe I don't need chopped straw. The material I have been reading said that if it wasn't chopped it got too matted and "glued" together.
  • There are lots of things that make equally good bedding. Straw (doesn't need to be cut up, just straight out of the bale is fine), pine shavings, shredded paper, dirt, grass clippings are all good beddings. Straw is one of the cheapest and it composts well.

    I know they have the hanging feeders/waterers at pratt's, I'm really surprised they didn't have them at the places you went. If you have your chickens in a coop that CAN NOT be gotten into by sparrows/doves (chicken wire won't keep them out, you have to use hardware cloth) I would highly recommend the hanging feeders, it really cuts down on your chicken chore time. Though, if wild birds can get to it, you'll just be refilling it every day because they will eat a lot of the chicken feed.
    • Yes I was surprised too.

      We are using 1/2 hardware cloth to keep birds out.

      Might have to make a trip to Pratt's. Have been avoiding it because I live in Mesa. :)
    • i have a small hanging feeder large enough for 4 birds i will donate to you. give me a call 602 320 5030
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