Baby Chick Special

My Pet Chicken is having a sale and I ordered the min of 25.

I ordered the special and they will be coming next week. I can keep them in my brooder section of the chicken house but I don't need 25. 8-10 would be fine with me but I don't need a herd right now.

Day old chicks 5 breeds, sexed Fs (fingers crossed but the sexers are usually pretty good) Here is how the ad was worded:

This is option will include 25 large fowl female chicks of any breed. At least five varieties included.

If anyone would like to buy a few chicks, let me know. They are a great deal $50/25 so if anyone wants to buy them and take them off my hands I'll happily part with them for $2/each

Let me know and you can come pick them up when they arrive.


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    • The chicks are here...hard to tell what they are but they are eating cheeping and if you want to come pick up a few this pm let me know. 4-5? more?
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