Anyone need roosters?

I have two roosters and I can't keep them. Would anyone like to trade a couple of hens for these roosters? One is a white leghorn and the other is an easter egger. The picture is from about a month and a half ago. The white one is dominant, crowing in the morning. I unfortunately live in Mesa, and they don't allow roosters!Let me know if you are interested or have any questions.Patrick

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  • I took Jones (Barred Rock "rooster") to the feed store yesterday, planning to leave him, not knowing what else to do. investing in an ax seemed like a dismal prospect.... and they said that Jones is a she! in spite of crowing every morning between 5 & 6... and being huge in comparison with the others, in size and personality and looking very different from her sister (bigger wattles, fatter legs, bigger and redder comb).... evidentially, some hens, in the absence of a rooster, will assume the crowing role, so I brought him/her home... and hope to eventually find eggs (the chickens are now 15 weeks old).

    is it possible to train a chicken, in regards to crowing?
    And I am curious, what did you do with your roosters?

    this morning I stopped the crowing by squirting her with water... she isn't so bad, about a half dozen times, then that is it for the day. one of my Leghorn hens makes more noise all day, but not until a reasonable hour. no neighbors have complained, for which I am grateful.
    • I have had crowing hens too. It's never been completely mistakable for a rooster, though very loud. How old is Jones? What made them think "he" was a "she"? I'd love to see a photo if you could post one. :) Depending on how old he/she is, there would be some very different feathering between males and females.
      Chickens often make noise when they're hungry, which is at dawn. Maybe if Jones wasn't hungry at dawn (set food out the night before or get an automatic feeder) she wouldn't make the obnoxious crowing noise so early.
  • I have an unexpected Plymouth Barred Rock rooster... and have not found a home for him. Some feed stores (e.g. Gordon's and Pratt's) will resell them, which is where he is going in a few days, unless something else comes up for him.
    • I've seen the people that frequent Pratt's as they shop for roosters, and I'm afraid some of those roosters are destined for cock fighting. I got this impression by observing the way some of these customers thoroughly examine the roosters before purchase. Cock fighting is a very slow and cruel way for a rooster to die or be put down. It would be far more humane to find someone (perhaps here on PPG) to dress and consume the young tender rooster. Or, check with The Stock Shop on Thunderbird Road. They may have different clientele shopping there. Needless to say, I no longer shop at Pratt's.
  • No takers? I really can't keep them and would like to find a good home for them.
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    • HI Jan,
      The easter egger hasn't crowed yet. I suspect that the white leghorn is dominant, but I am not sure. Those two used to face off all the time, now the leghorn crows and chases the easter egger occasionally. Would you think about trading?
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