Hi,Just letting everyone know that we are a local family breeding and raising chickens in Gilbert. We have 7 breeds and hatch every week. We are getting better at sexing them so that you can get girls. E-mail if you're interested and to find out what breeds we've got. We also have some that are older (up to 9 weeks or so) available. Prices start at $2.00/$3.00 each for day olds.Thanks!Faint Family Farms
Hi Chris,
We have Rhode Island Reds, Silver-laced Wyandottes, Ameraucanas, and White Leghorns right now. Will have Delawares and Gold-laced Wyandottes in the future (maybe 1 month or so.) Let us know if you would like any and we'll save you some.
Am possibly looking soon but want heavy breeds, RIR's BR's or especially australorps.
We have Rhode Island Reds, Silver-laced Wyandottes, Ameraucanas, and White Leghorns right now. Will have Delawares and Gold-laced Wyandottes in the future (maybe 1 month or so.) Let us know if you would like any and we'll save you some.