Any suggestions on coop

The side with the plywood sheet faces west. The nesting boxes are cabinets I salvaged from bulk garbage piles. We are adding plywood along the top of the block wall section to keep out predators that might climb the wall. The roof will be tiled with leftover tiles from our roof. The rest will be just about as is (adding hardware wire of course).It's for about 4 dutch bantams.Any thoughts before we finish this bad boy? Especially on the location?Thanks!Kelly




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  • Looks like a great sturdy coop.

    I have two comments/questions:

    Will they have a yard or be allowed to free-range?  By the time you get food and water in there they won't have much floor space.

    Also,  I wouldn't put it so close to the block wall.  Block walls absorb and then radiate heat.

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