A special treat for my chicks

I give my three young chicks a small frozen ear of corn every day and they absolutely love it. It thaws quckly and they spend a good part of the morning pecking it. I buy the mini ears in the frozen food department.

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  • Great but this is candy to them. Reduce to once a week. Try whole grain toast with yogurt on top and wild bird seed sprinkles once a week too...Mine love it! And remember they LOVE "London Rocket" and dandelions, the tastiest weeds in the yard.
    • Thanks for the tip. I will cut way back. I do the toast, yogurt, etc. with my parrots, and you are right, they LOVE it! I used alfalfa hay as a mulch last fall, now I have alfalfa growing everywhere and I pull off hunks of it and give to the chicks and they also love it! Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it.
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