hi, just checking if anyone has adult chickens for sale or for free. I have a flock of 7. want to add another 5- love rhode island reds, australorps and easter eggers (the green eggs).
I found someone on crags list selling hens.. hand raised for $25 each. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/grd/2976528443.html
they look great, but that seems really expensive. any ideas or thoughts?
thanks, Karen
Are you looking for just hens? If not, I have a 4month old Delaware rooster. As I am in the city, I am not allowed to keep him. He was hand raised. Very gentle w/humans, although a bit skiddish. He does like being held once he begins to trust you. His crow is not too loud (although, that might be because he just discovered it.) He is free to a good, safe home!!
thanks Rhonda, I'm in the same situation, can't have a rooster... in the city as well.
thanks all, oops, I got the new hens yesterday and I didn't see this about quarantining them. So they were put in to the same coop. I hope it'll be okay, will have to see.
Karen we just bought 2 eastereggers and a RIR , $20/hen . So it seems comparable ... Question for Becky: what do you mean quarantine?
Quarantine means to keep them completely separate, in a separate area so you can monitor them and make sure there are no surprises (sickness, disease, etc.). Keeping them quarantined protects your current flock from getting sick from the new herd if there are problems.
If you pay full price (and I concur, $20-$25 seems to be the going rate for layers), be sure they are in their first year of laying. You don't want to pay full price for one that is at the end of her productivity.
I have 5 that were born March 1st. The roosters were a RIR and a Columbian Wyandotte and the hens were RIR, Easter Egger, Barred Rock, Golden Buff. It looks like these young hens will be RIRs, Easter Egger (was a green egg), Golden Sex Link and Columbian Wyandotte. Let me know if you're interested...
When you do add to your flock, please quarantine the new chickens before adding them to your current flock. They should not even share the same air space for at least a month. I know it's hard to do, but very necessary for the safety of your chickens.
I've looked around and I believe 25 is about right for laying hens. You might be able to find cheaper but laying age hens are not cheap. Most people who went through all the trouble of getting chicks to laying age want eggs not money. It sort of puts them at a premium. Good luck!