My name is Andrew.
I have 7 barely 1year old hens and 7 5month old pullets.
Hens are laying wonderfully and pullets are very healthy and happy, ready to lay soon.
I am looking for a home for them.
I live in Scottsdale (Shea & 101FWY), and my HOA has given me till March 19 to find them a home.
I've considered moving ... however my family is very much settled in the neighborhood.
It was just one gentleman who worried about loosing value of his "million dollar" home...really sad.
I am looking for a family who will allow my children to come visit so often.
Also might consider sharing eggs with us.
Samantha & Georgina are Welsummer (hens)
Clarissa, Christina, Blossom & Daisy are Ameraucana (2hens and 2pullets)
*Christina lays blue eggs
Scarlet is Rhode Island Red (hen)
Suzanna is Delaware (hen)
Amanda & Pepper are Chckoo Maran (hen and pullet)
Sterling and Lacey are Silver Wyondotte (pullets)
Buffy & Fuffle are Buff Orphington (pullets)
If anyone is interested, call me (623) 337-3298.
I found the home for my ladies who can take all of them.
My family is trilled and looking forward to seeing them give joy to another family.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
That's great! is it the with the Simple farm or someone else?
Hello Maynhia,
Thank you.
We gave our ladies to Vicky who was looking to add to her flock of two.
We delivered two yesterday and systematically introduce the rest.
She is fantastic and her set up is something to envy.
I am so glad that I can keep them together.
Equally, I am so glad that the ladies have loving family to give joy!
Thank you, again for all you do.
Could you give me a call.
My number is 623-337-3298
I would love to take your hens but we haven't secured our site yet...I'm hoping in the next few weeks...I'll check back with you and if you still have them I'll gladly take them and your family will be more than welcome to come visit and get eggs. However I'm not sure if you would want to travel the distance to north Phoenix...I'll check back with you.
Where are you starting a community garden and would you be interested in keeping the hens there?
My church is I17 and 101HWY.
So i can work on it on the weekends....what do you think?
Could you possible give me a call?
My number is (623) 337-3298