Something is eating my brocolli

I have/had some nice healthy brocolli plants, but in the past two days the once healthy leaves are now drooping and have small holes throughout them.  I have sprinkled diatamaceous earth around the plants and I don't see any bug life going on.  What horrible little creature is attacking them? Any ideas anyone?


As always thank you so much for all your help.

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  • My plants are a pretty good size now 12-18in in height and circumference, they've been in since early Oct.  I do have some horrible black cape wearing sinister birds that swoop in and menace my plants. The trouble is I work and I don't get to see who the culprits are. I like the ckicken wire hat idea, but I think the plants are too big now. Lately I haven't even been home in the daylight to see what additional damage has been wrought. I will be home before dark today, so I will get a chance to see what new and terrible destruction has been wrought!  Ahhh... work, the bane of my exsistance.
  • As odd as this will sound, we have had Sparrows sit on the ground or leaf & eat the leafs.  Apparently they are sweet.  We have personally witnessed 3 Sparrows on 1 leaf eating the leaf above kind of bouncing.  Looked like they were having fun. Fly catchers have done this, too.  I don't know if this would be a possibility for you situation or not.  I know it sounds crazy- somewhere I have pictures of these yahoos committing vandalism on my broccoli plants.
    • Not crazy at all, I've seen all kinds of birds come in and decimate my greens.  The smaller birds were leaving peck marks that were holes and the first time I saw them I thought of caterpiller damage.  But careful observation and a closer inspection indicated sparrows...  The link Catherine posted is great - it covers the spectrum of damage and what it could be.  Again, careful observation is key.
    • Angie, many birds will enjoy a "salad" with their seed snack :-)  Usually it looks like a tear instead of a hole as Michele describes.  We do enjoy the birds - sometimes I got out and shoo them away if they are doing too much damage, or I put a chicken wire hat on young plants to make them invisible until they get going good.
  • Probably flea beetles, I'm guessing.


    Here is an earlier post on the same problem.  Good luck - always frustrating to loose plants you are looking forward to.


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