Dig some shallow holes around the branch drip ring, the outer extension of the citrus tree branches. Place you kitchen waste in the holes, and loosley cover with soil. Wate the holes so they don't dry completely.
Make sure you have broken up any large pieces of waste. Remeber, the smaller the particle size, the quicker it breakes down into compost, adding humus to your soil.
"I want to do cold composting around my citrus trees. MY kitchen waste in the 5 gal bucket smells - do I just dig that hole in the ground dump it in and cover it back up?
Dig some shallow holes around the branch drip ring, the outer extension of the citrus tree branches. Place you kitchen waste in the holes, and loosley cover with soil. Wate the holes so they don't dry completely.
Make sure you have broken up any large pieces of waste. Remeber, the smaller the particle size, the quicker it breakes down into compost, adding humus to your soil.
Have a wonderful afternoon!