About Me:
I'm an Arizona native and I love the southwest. Monsoon thunderstorms and the smell of rain-soaked creosote are some of my favorite things in life. I like to read and write, and I'm a fervent believer in proactive-planning and self-reliance. That being said, I align with Alexander Supertramp, upholding the notion that "Happiness is only real when shared", and I aim to spread happiness and freedom--like a benevolent virus--as far as I can manage. I think permaculture--humans accepting that their role is WITHIN nature and not ABOVE it--is our only hope at avoiding extinction, and I want to do my part to see the species survive: crazy aspiration, right?
In short: I'm a dreamer--but what's so bad about that?
Thank you for welcoming me to the group. I look forward to learning from everyone.
Thanks Zack for your welcome and good words. Yes I will be volunteering while hopefully at the same time learning. My present interest is in soil building at my home that I recently installed flood irrigation. Ive' got mulch and nitrogen fixing plants (beans) started and want to introduce worms soon. I also like the idea of starting an "edible forest" with fruit and nut trees, perhaps beginning as bare root. And Chickens are always a nice addition so I plan to attend the "tour de coop" Glenn
Hello Zack,
Thank you for making me feel very included in all you do. I want to immerse myself into permaculture and be a part of the community. I lived in NC prior to here and worked with community gardens, a research farm, and did farm tours often. I would love to volunteer, teach, learn, innovate, etc. I see that you live in Tempe. I do as well. I would enjoying being able to work with some people around the city. Keep me posted on anything new coming up. Thanks again!
Zion Culley
Like u I too am a dreamer. Nothing wrong with that, most successful people were dreamers originally???. My dream is that if everyone was honest and truthful you would not need to have keys and security stuff ever .It's not hard to achieve I feel but most people chose the easy route of doing the opposite????
I believe that Mother Nature is the true Master of our planet earth!!.Every time some stupid Humans try and control her she kicks their butts, unfortunately we all get to suffer from such types !!!!
From the Kukumaster??
Woooo! Go Zack!!!!