
  • Well, with my sophisticated shot glass rain guage and measuring tape, I had about .9 inches total the last couple of days! 300 gallon barrel is full, 1 of my two 55 gallon barrels have already been emptied into the soil where my new fruit trees will go soon...and my 300 gallon actually overflowed nicely into my tomatillo,eggplant,mint,basil,lettuce,bean garden...NICE!!
    • EGGcelent !!
  • are out there...I was thinking you floated away!!

    I got 3/4 inch during the friday/saturday event and another 3/4 inch for the monday/tuesday event. Hoping to get more tonight. Empted the primary barrels on sunday so they were ready to go for the next round.

    so year-to-date rain fall for the Bee Oasis is.........drum roll please............12 1/4 inches far......fingers crossed for everyone.

  • My rain gauge had 2 1/4 inches over the past 24 hours. There's a sunflower close by so I'm wondering if it channeled extra rain into it. I thought it would block the rain. Last night when I emptied it there was just a trace.
  • I am embarrassed to say that I haven’t taken the opportunity to buy a rain gage so I cheat and hope my neighbor on is keeping up to date. So with that said it looks like around .20 yesterday. More rain yesterday than today but late this morning the sun was shining and the drops were falling, it was beautiful. With two days of off and on rain and the bucket brigade we were able to fill another 50 gallon barrel.
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