
Is there a easily accessed resource or reference that discusses MiracleGro's long-term effect on soil and the watershed?thanks!

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  • I guess my concern is really the chemical makeup of MiracleGro. You're absolutely right on about the need for AZ soil to have a little added acidity for some plants and that side of the product doesn't concern me. I would just advise users to do the research and then decide for themselves.
  • davesgarden.com/guides/terms/go/2307/ I was also curious about the long term effects of using MiraclGro so did a little web searching and found the site mentioned above. Hope this helps shed some light on reasons for not using it. I guess I'll get rid of mine. Never thought with all the hype that it was a bad thing to use. Darn. Live and learn. (Not sure if the last back slash is necessary in the web address but you can play with it if it doesn't work to copy and paste it)
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