How to kill weed seeds without hot composting?

Dana sent me over here to ask y'all this:How to kill weed seeds without hot composting? Or: "Faux hot composting in a lawn bag?"I'm getting weed trimmings and cuttings from the back yard, and much of it is seedy. I want to add them to my compost heap, but I don't want to be creating "weed seed mix." If I put my weeds in a thick black plastic sack, tie it shut and leave it in the sun, will it get hot enough to cook the seeds good and dead? And how hot is "hot enough" to kill weed seeds? I've read 140F, but when it comes to gardening in Phoenix, I take everything I read about gardening with a grain of salt. For all I know, desert weeds can germinate on the surface of the sun. Our weeds think weed killer is fertilizer, after all.

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