Mexican Oregano..???

Hi Everyone,I lost my last Mexican Oregano plant 2 years ago, and I'm finally out of the stuff I dried. Has anyone out there seen Mexican Oregano seeds or plants? I saw seeds for sale once (Native Seeds), but they tell me they're sold out now (sigh).Thanks!Denise

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  • I bought my plant either at the Desert Botanical Garden during their spring or fall plant sale from the herbies or else at a Master Gardener function - again from one of the herbies (AZ Herb Assoc people). I thought I lost mine this winter but it came back and is doing great - looks like it's about ready to flower. I can start some cuttings for you and I will certainly save some seeds since I am just really getting into that aspect of plants - let me know if you want any. I live near 60th St just north of Cactus... Michele
    • YES!!! Thanks so much--seeds or cuttings, whatever grows. It's such a great plant.

    • Hi Denise - I started some cuttings this morning so hopefully they will take - I will keep you posted. Just to double check - I have Lippia graveolens - I know there area other plants that go by the common name 'Mexican Oregano' and want to make sure this is the one you want...Michele
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