My name is Samantha and I am extremely interested in learning how to garden. I recently moved to Phoenix, AZ all the way from Southern California. I have no experience with gardening but I am just itching for an opportunity to get my hands dirty! I am mostly available on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I work M-F 8am-5pm, so there will be times I am available to help weekday evenings. Please feel free to contact me with any opportunities in Phoenix or near 19th Ave and Peoria (I rely on public transportation). I can be reached via email at samantha.wauls@gmail.comLooking forward to helping you in return for some knowledge!

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  • In addition to your "hands on" gardening experience, I suggest you explore The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension- Maricopa County.  There is a wealth of information available, including several books available that deal specifically with the challenges of gardening in a desert environment.  If you go to , you will find many pamphlets and short publications on desert horticulture issues.  You may even have an interest at some point to enroll in the Extension's Master Gardener program.  Good luck!

  • Wish I saw this sooner! (well, I guess it was after the fact...)  Here's what you just missed this weekend for Make A Difference Day:

    Growing Together Garden is located on Glendale Ave at 2nd St. (SWC) just east of Central Ave.  They usually have weekend volunteer work days.  You can sign-up on the website to receive email updates.

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