Reality check time

Reality check time here. I am trying to evaluate the value of this aquaponics thing. Would anyone volunteer how much food they have grown in their regular (soil) gardens (pounds), over what time period and using how much space?

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  • permaculture's relative productivity for lower energy inputs should also be considered when asking this question ... as liz indicated: i have found urban orcharding to be extremely 'efficient' - perennial polyculture systems second - and annual systems last ... all shades of gray ...

    i have found AP systems to require generally high: inputs / energy sourcing / cerebral functioning ... but i can get meat proteins different from plant source proteins ... another shade of gray to consider ...

  • What a great question!  I don't keep track of production so I couldn't give you meaningful numbers and I'm curious if others weigh their harvests.  I'm assuming you want apples to apples comparison - meaning garden production of similar plants as grown in aquaponic systems rather than say the harvest of the entire edible garden including our backyard orchards?  The trees produce such a vast quantity of fruits, it would skew the results.

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