My system consists of a 30-35 gallon
filter flowing into a 400 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank. You can adjust the size as needed using a Skippy filter. I gotta tell you, I LOVE the filter. You really never clean it :) I do remove and use the water through the filter valve for any new plants or for plant food and I refill the pond with chlorine free water (I bought a hose dechlorinator from an RV supply).
Total cost of my pond for set up was about $500, pumps, pvc, filter and all. I had to add a UV filter to combat string algae as well, that was spendy, but I have it and use no chemicals.
I did want to add a solar water heater system, but found it wasn't needed. On really cold nights I
cover the pond with a tarp and old blankets. I'm looking for a discarded hot tub lid to make it simple. The goldfish, even the fancies, do well enough with the water temp and they are fine all summer as well. I wanted to try Bluegill, but never got around to it because I didn't want to mess with a stream.
When I grew edibles I placed everything in the waterfall filter (the plantain took over) and used hanging pots (dollar store baskets and bent wire coat hangers) around the sides of the pond itself to keep the roots from being eaten.
I haven't seen this site posted yet
The people were a great help to me to get going and they do a lot of trading. I can't say I ate my moneys worth from this set up, but it's been worthit anyway. I have more wildlife, a cooler area and the sound offlowing water to relax me, not to mention free fertilizer for my inground garden :)
PS~ a girlfriend did a set up similar to mine but she used a huge round galvanized stock tank. Her start up costs were much higher and it seems like she had her main tank divided into areas by some type of netting.
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