GoGreen Phoenix Conference

Good morning my friends. Just an FYI on the Go Green Phoenix Conference. It looks to be a significant event and bridges Sustainability with Civic and Business development. I will be speaking amongst a cadre of local leaders including Kimber Lanning, Phil Gordon, Grady Gammage Jr., Carolyn Bristo, Don Henninger, Ed Fox, Mara DeFilippis, Chris Camacho, Diane Brossart, Derrick Mains and many others. It will be great. 

Here is the link. http://bit.ly/qavNvG

Sincerely,GeorgeGeorge B. Brooks, Jr. Ph.D.President/CEO NxT Horizon Grouphttp://nxthorizon.comhttp://facebook.com/nxthorizonhttp://twitter.com/nxthorizon602-363-1677

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