Permaculture Design Course

The Permaculture Design Course

The Phoenix Permaculture Guild presents the twice-yearly The Holistic - Sustainability/Permaculture Design Course

What is this you ask?

Permaculture is a way of thinking and organizing intelligent ecological and ethical design. It does not focus on the elements of sustainability in themselves, for example the details of organic living, ecobuilding, appropriate technology, community building, green finance, or rainwater harvesting, but on the beneficial relationships between these elements. Further focusing on how they are put together to make them as energy efficient and sustaining as possible, for people, the planet and our ecosystem.

Permaculture (Holistic Sustainable Design) enhances our observation and understanding of natural patterns and universal principles. It teaches us to contemplate nature and natural systems and then to apply these ecological truisms to our own living environments (Partially excerpted from the Permaculture UK magazine editorial by Maddy Harland).

All this and more will be taught and learned at the Permaculture Design Course this coming fall here in Phoenix. The course will be held on four weekends, three weeks apart, with a final presentation day after a short hiatus. From the course you will build an understanding of holistic sustainable design that you can apply to your own space as well as the community. The dates for the Fall 2008 class are Sept 6 & 7, Sept 27 & 28, Oct 18 & 19, Nov 8 & 9 and Nov 22 (presentation day).

The Phoenix Permaculture Guild with its numerous teachers have kept the cost as low as possible, while creating a versatile program. Four home sites will be hosts for each of the weekend classes plus other arranged trips and hands-on instruction.

This certificated course (you will receive a Permaculture Design Course Certificate) is $650 with a $50 discount if a $100 deposit is received before the early registration deadline of August 1st, 2008.

For questions and/or an application form please call Don at 480-962-6353 or email

To download a Registration Form or Weekend Schedule, please click on the pdf files below.

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