About Me:
Long time permaculture student, currently doing the design details for production for a downspout trickle generation system, nice in the Northwest when it's raining but has a tiny windmill attached to pump water back up so works at night in a desert with a slight breeze (3w-30w), very specific generator windings & coil design, overshoot wheel, a mini hydro generator with wind, working on using solar-thermal systems for homes, collectors store 550F all day in volume to handle the daily cycle, that burns the bacon, laundry, hot-water, all thermal heating needs, for cooling and freezing ice a dish collector with biodiesel backup runs an ammonia refrigeratorn system storing -35F all day for the daily cycle, appliances look the same, use a thermal-fluid to transfer heat-cold around the house that has a miniaturized biodiesel from wastewater, and so autonomous architecture (off the grid off the sewer) without any real notice within the modern home, you can take a bath an not worry about cabon emissions, it's all thermal.