Hi Terry, The Verde Thumbs Garden Club as asked to participate in the Gardens for Humanity Spring Garden Expo in Cottonwood (Yavapai). We would love to have you as a speaker, esp. on growing vegetables. We have the Old Town Arts Center for 2-6 on March 20. Most of us have heard you speak and we know what dynamic speaker you are. You would be the highlight of our piece of the Expo. Please contact me ASAP at Katknapp1@gmail.com or 602-619-3777. I'm a Maricopa Co. MG and your classes were my favorite.
Hi Terry! Do you need a boost on remembering me? You have met a great many people in your career, I'm sure... I'll have to add a photo. I was the 4-H Instructional Specialist for the Miracle Garden for 3 years. I took the Master Gardener class and remember how much you like to taste everything... which is just cool.
You need a reference on Greg Peterson? Yes, I know him well. He speaks at many conferences, and is an active writer on permaculture and the green movement. What do you need to know?
"Thank you for responding . . . I understand he is speaking in Payson at a conference I have been asked to speak at also . . . A couple people asked me if I knew about him . . . .You know Phoenix is such a small town, we all know everyone . .
I guess…"
I was asked me about Greg Peterson (sp.) . .The name is familiar . . The person asking mentioned his association with Permauclture so I thought I'd call upon your good graces and knowledge . . This is ref. to a conference I am…"
Hi Terry, The Verde Thumbs Garden Club as asked to participate in the Gardens for Humanity Spring Garden Expo in Cottonwood (Yavapai). We would love to have you as a speaker, esp. on growing vegetables. We have the Old Town Arts Center for 2-6 on March 20. Most of us have heard you speak and we know what dynamic speaker you are. You would be the highlight of our piece of the Expo. Please contact me ASAP at Katknapp1@gmail.com or 602-619-3777. I'm a Maricopa Co. MG and your classes were my favorite.
You need a reference on Greg Peterson? Yes, I know him well. He speaks at many conferences, and is an active writer on permaculture and the green movement. What do you need to know?