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  • Hi Patrice,
    Yes I am on a Shamanic Path so to speak. Thanks for asking. The name, Eagle Spirit, came to me Etherically. My soul has been awakened by spirit messages and shamanic journeys for many years now. As I listen and stay more open to the etheric I receive more messages. When I was a young teenager I had so much spirit activity going on that I asked for it to be shut down. It never occurred to me at the time, that there might be someone on the planet who could help me to get a handle on it. So I have been the past 15 years working on reconnecting with source. About 7-8 years ago, I was given the name "Eagle Spirit" in an etheric message. When I asked what to do with this? I was told, "Just wear it, you will know what to do when you get there." I said Thanks You. And went on about my business. I began to use the name. People have picked it up easily. Here is a link to my website; in case you would like to learn more about who I am and what I am called to do.
    For A Harmonious Future,
  • Welcome!
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