Hello Seed Folks,

We've gotten some great new seeds in from Native Seeds and a very generous donor.  Come take a peek.  Noya Vine, sweet acacia tree, English lavender, broccoli, orach, mustard, and many more.  They are always free.  All that we ask is that you bring some of your cherished seeds to share and add them to our library!!!

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  • Hi Kathy,

    My school is in need of some seeds for our garden. We are starting late and can not find any seeds to plant. We are in need 10-15 of each of these. Can you help us or give me any suggestions??? I can be reached at Imagine Bell Canyon Charter School. Stephanie.daniels@imagineschools.com  or 602-547-7920. We are in need of these seeds: Garlic, Lettuce, Onions, Oregano, parsley, pea, radish, spinach, turnips, artichoke, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, carrot, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, dill.


    Any assistance is appreciated. Can you help me find these??? We have an entire class of 24 students waiting on our planting season because we can't find seeds. My home number is 602-633-1040. Thanks, Stephanie Daniels

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