Moringa Seeds - FREE

For those of you who have an interest in growing Moringa Trees, I just harvested about 100 seeds and donated them to the VPA Seed Library. If you are interested, please email to set up a time to visit the VPA office and 'check them out'. The VPA office is conveniently located at 1122 E. Washingotn St on the literail.

The trees I harvested seeds from are well over 10 feet tall and I planted them from seeds myself last July (2011). I have topped them several times and lost quite a bit of the tops from frost over the past winter. Yesterday I made Chicken Malunghay, one of my favorite meals, with a bunch of the leaves. Yum!!! 

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  • Hello Debbie,

    How are your Moringa trees doing this year? Do you think you'll have any seeds from them again this year that I might be able to get?



  • Thanks for the info Debbie, I have a bougainvillea (sp?) and I know exactly what you mean.  I haven't emailed Stacey yet, but will soon. Thanks again.

    • We should both find out how to spell that "B-word" :)

  • I have 7 trees right out in my yard on the south side of the house about 20 feet from the wall. There ia a bamboo screen a few feet to the south of the trees. I do cover them in the winter on frost nights using frost cloth and old sheets. They get frost damage on a lot of the top but seem to come back just fine. Sort of the same as a bouginvilla in tolerance level. You know how bouggies will sometimes freeze all the way to the ground, but come back in the spring?

  • Thanks Debbie, I'll email Stacey for some seeds.  What exposure do you have your tree??  I thought that they were not just frost-sensitive, but that frost would kill tell me your secret, thanks!

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