Hi all :)
I will be teaching a homeschool co-op class on gardening and was
wondering if there is a community garden anyplace (very close to)
35th ave between Bell and Greenway. The class will be held at a
church at
15825 N
35th Ave
AZ 85053 We would like some hands on opportunities. I have a garden
at my house, but I am 30 plus miles away in the Wittmann area and it
is only a 1/2 hour class. We would only need 1 or 2 visits to just
experience the garden. Any suggestions?
for your help,
We would love to help but our Garden is clear on the east side at ASU Polytechnic. Sorry! =(
Thank you Jehnifer :)
That was what I was afraid of :(
It would need to be really close as we do not have but minutes allotted for travel time.....
All the gardens that I know of are East or down town Phx. I was hoping to find anything close to our area just to go and observe.
Do you have any ideas for indoor classroom experiments or such?
Thanks again,